Climbs 122
Rocktype Grit (quarried)
Altitude 200m a.s.l
Faces SE

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Den Lane Quarry is situated to the west of the pleasant small town of Uppermill - birthplace of Troll, the outdoor company. The quarry used to be a bit of a scruffy hole with dumped rubbish and even bits of old cars.

Many of the routes follow strenuous cracks and the rock is of reasonable quality. The best climbing is on the impressive Rake Wall and the loose upper section can be avoided by using the fixed belays at the top of the good climbing. The Long Wall is shorter but has some good strenuous climbs and the potential for some excellent fingery bouldering.

The crag faces east and is well-sheltered from the prevailing winds. It gets the morning sun and can be a pleasant escape from the heat on stuffy summer days. The sheltered nature of the cliff, and the trees that grow in the quarry, make it a potentially midgy venue on humid days. Despite the slopes above the quarry, the faces do not take a lot of drainage and it is usually possible to get something done here even when the weather is poor.

Approach notes

When entering Uppermill from the south, take a left turn into the narrow walled lane of Moorgate and follow this as it swings right into Den Lane. About 500m down here there is parking on the left for a couple of cars and further on room for a couple more on the right. A muddy track leads under the railway line and up into the quarry only minutes away - arriving just to the right of the right-hand end of Long Wall. The more impressive Rake Wall is located up the slope to the right.

Nice crag, reminded me of a little Heptonstall. It is quite birdy at the moment so keep an eye out. Jackdaws nesting in the pit, pair of kestrels towards the left end, which might be nesting over that way (they weren't alarmed by us climbing on the right hand crag) and a barn owl flew out from what was presumably a roost on the broken right hand crag when John was on Wilter.
PaulJepson - 01/Jun/24
Turned up this Morning at Den lane, while it was still raining, amazed to find all the rock dry. Some great climbing, if a perhaps a lot of it, a bit to hard for us. Most of the rock was reasonbly clean, and we were not challenged by anyone. Amazed this place is not more popular.
karlb - 23/Aug/14
Got met at the crag last night, by a couple, apparently the new land owners. They had no objection to climbing continuing, but did ask if everyone was insured. I believe contact details have been/will be passed to the local access Rep.
BenedictIEP - 20/Aug/13
As James said, routes left of Palais Glide are all covered in mud; cracks, faces and pockets. Barely climable. Three earth slides along the top make topping out on some routes quite difficult. Rake Wall is great though!
Moritz L - 22/May/13
Don't know about the rest of the crag but parts of long wall where totally caked in mud. Looks like the rain has washed mud down most cracks and weaknesses.
James Oakes - 21/Feb/13
Looking at the numbers of logged climbs this is a seriously underrated venue. Starting with the more prosaic stuff; It's sheltered, has good views, a short walk in and is now cleaned up. More importantly it has a large number of VS and HVS climbs, so far every climb I have done have had very different characters, all been interesting, decent height and sustained in interest. And the climbing is in a concentrated area � very little faff going from climb to climb. Highly recommended.
steveshaking - 17/Apr/12
Large amount of rock/soil debris close to the base of 'The Ramp' & 'Cancan', Long Wall (28/01/12). Can't tell if it's natural and therefore unstable in that area or whether it's been dumped from the road above. Will try and take a look over the next few days...
PD - 28/Jan/12
Looks like a lot of work has been done here...anyone know if its worth a visit??
tommakin - 09/Mar/09
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