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Last updated on 20/Aug/2017


Im English, Czeck, Ukrainian , Russian speaking
mountain instructor certified within the territory
of Russian Federation,
my certificate Nr 1469 released in 2007,
providing metodically versatile training
and support for alpine climbers in Caucasus area

starting in airports of Mineralnie Vody, Sochi,Krasnaja Poliana, Krasnodar
for singles and pairs ,starting from theory of climbing to practical skills.

You may be included into groups
visiting a rock climbing area 75 km from Krasnodar
with about 50 sport routs newly bolted,
Elbrus in winter,send your ininerary? hlan jf your visit on my address [email protected]
for summer-Schelda, Ullu-tau, Bezengi, Digoria,Alibeck
assisted by experienced guides, certified in Russia .



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