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Last updated on 17/Feb/2012


Hi, Ive been working in the Outdoors since 2004. I started working with young students at activity centres after this I moved onto working for outdoor centres with a wide range of people form children to apprentices, delivering course from 3 days to 3 weeks.

I now work as a freelance instructor across the UK, Im open to rates of pay and will fit in to any working environment, I also can provide intro and or skills days for individuals or groups these days can be canoeing open water or moving water, single pitch climbing days or intro sessions, navigation days or guided walks.

Please find below a list of my qualifcations and for more info or a CV please get in touch.

Mountain Leader
Single Pitch Award
Level 3 Open Canoe
5 Star Open Canoe Training
3 Star Kayak
BCU Star Award Assessor
BCU White Water Safety & Rescue
RYA Level 2 Power Boat & Safety Boat
Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award Assessor
D1 + e Driving Entitlement
2 day Emergency REC First Aid

Mountain Instructor Training - Trained

Certificate in Training Practice
FMA / NVQ in Activity Leadership Level 2

Ant Wallace
Freelance Outdoor Instructor

[email protected]


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